Greystone Vineyard


This client had an issue with Willow trees that were bordering the vineyards, many were failing and damaging assets. They were also restricting airflow and sunlight in the vineyard. Although not wanting to completely remove the trees they needed a major reduction/pollard and a clean up of all debris. Chip from the tree work was to be stockpiled for future use.


The excavator with its grapple saw was perfect for this job. Being able to reach some 8m in height it was able to cut and hold large sections of the trees, safely lowering them to the ground, and processing them into manageable sections. Followed closely behind by the whole tree chipper we quickly dealt with the problem trees. With the heavy rain forecast, we carried on into the night to complete the work, moving all the wood chips to a central location, which will be used on another project.


The end result is an area that is now safe for the workers to enter and the affected area is receiving more sunlight and better airflow. Our chip has also since been turned into compost which will be spread around the vineyard.